Gratitude Power 2e Now Available, Now in Four Formats!

Gratitude Power for Runners and Walkers, 2eGratitude Power for Runners and Walkers, 2nd edition, is now available.

The second edition has a few touch-ups for formatting and typos.

It also includes an invitation to join the Readers Club. I am slowly but surely putting this invitation into each of my books, to ensure that all of my book readers know about the many benefits of joining the free club.

Even better, the second edition is available in twice as many formats as the first edition, which was available in Kindle and paperback formats.

The second edition is available for Kobo and Nook, too!

The paperback’s page count has grown from 146 pages in the first edition to 266 pages in the second edition, for two reasons:

  1. I wanted to give you writing space at the bottom of each chapter of gratitude statements to write some of your own.
  2. The book is in a smaller, approximately 5×8″ size, instead of the original 6×9″ size, to make it easier to hold and to file on a bookshelf.

The second edition of the Kindle ebook is priced the same as the first edition, but now you have more ebook options.

I don’t now have Kobo and Nook ereaders, but I know that plenty of people have and love them. So, I upgraded and standardized my ebook publishing software and processes to make it straightforward for me to release ebooks simultaneously for Kindle, Kobo, and Nook.

The U.S. Dollar price is the same across all three ebook formats, but, due to the way that Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble deal with exchange rates, you may see some price variation in any other currency.

I have Kindle, Kobo, and Nook apps on my Android cellphone for maximum ebook-shopping flexibility. Although I’ve been reading Kindle ebooks the longest, …

  • I like the way that Kobo sends ebook offers through its app to my cellphone.
  • I like the realistic page-turning experience on the Nook app.

You may have your own ebook format preference, and now I am committed to serving you in any of these three major formats!

In fact, over the coming months you will see all of my new books being released simultaneously (or as nearly simultaneously as possible) in all four formats.

And, I am committed to making sure that each of my current books becomes available in all four formats. The only exception will be my two books of run:walk pace tables, which ebooks (at least now) cannot reproduce well.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning again that purchase of a new paperback from Amazon entitles you, thanks to my arrangement with Amazon, to get the Kindle ebook of it at no extra charge.

I am grateful for your continuing book-reading patronage. Happy reading!