Have you ever run in an evening race?

I found a running-related article tonight at The Salem News website that fascinated me.

Jay Kumar wrote about his experience two days earlier in the Yankee Homecoming 10-miler in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

It began at 6:35 PM.

That’s right — PM, not AM.

Having run nearly all my races in Houston and Los Angeles, I have never participated in an evening race.

Sure, I had heard of  overnight events such as the 100-mile Rocky Raccoon.

But even that race starts early in the morning.

So now I am curious: How popular are evening races? Is the Yankee Homecoming a local curiosity or part of a trend?

Have you ever run in an evening race? Have I been out of touch, or was this news to you, too? Would you want to race in the evening, if you had the opportunity?

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