Now at 24symbols

Santa’s elves worked past Christmas, so ebooks are now at another store!


Happy New Year!

Update on 20170111: Buddy the Elf took a look at what the other elves did and had me de-list my ebooks at this store. Buddy said that 97% of my ebook sales were coming through Amazon, which uses a data-driven approach to sales and customers. In plain English, this means for you, the reader, that you get great recommendations about other ebooks to buy when you buy one of my ebooks, and vice-versa. In contrast, other ebooksellers (such as Apple) use a human-curated approach — or no approach at all — to ebook recommendations. So, I now focus all my ebook sales through Amazon. Given the wide availability of the Kindle app, including on iOS and Android devices, you don’t lose anything with my focus on Amazon. And, this lets me make my ebooks available through the “Kindle Unlimited” program, which, next to Amazon itself as the largest ebookseller worldwide, is the second largest ebookseller worldwide. (Who knew?! I would have guessed Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, or Kobo.) Of course, any ebook that was also available as a paperback will continue to be available as a paperback at Amazon. Again, it’s that whole “data-driven” thing at Amazon, which helps you to find more books that you’ll like and helps me to find more customers who will like my books! Please visit my Amazon author page to see all my Kindle and paperback books.