Group Training Programs – 7 Ways Runners and Walkers Can Benefit

Joining a group training program for preparing you to run or walk a marathon, half marathon, or other-distance race requires more than paying your registration fee — if you want to get the most out of the program, that is. Here are seven ways to do just that.

Participate in as many group workouts as possible.

There are usually very good reasons why a given group training program follows a particular schedule of workouts. And many programs offer multiple group workouts — such as hill training, tempo training, and long runs or walks — each week. You can combine the benefits of the particular schedule with the benefits of training with others by participating in as many group workouts as possible.

Participate in core workouts or other exercises after group runs or walks.

Just as the group runs or walks themselves are very important to your long-term training, the core workouts, stretching routines, or other exercises offered by your program after each run or walk are very valuable to you, too.

Pay attention during educational seminars.

No matter whether these educational seminars are given before or after your group workout, they can give you valuable information and question-and-answer opportunities that you be unable to find anywhere else.

Linger, instead of leaving right away, after group workouts and post-workout exercises.

This lingering gives you extra time to tap the knowledge and wisdom of your coaches, to start or strengthen friendships with other members, and to find out where members and coaches are going for a post-workout breakfast or other get-together — and get invited to join them for some enjoyable camaraderie.

Participate in social events hosted by your group program.

As with lingering after a group run or walk, attending parties, dinners, and special events hosted by your group program can make a big, positive difference in your knowledge, friendships, and workout motivation.

Carry a cellphone during group workouts.

You never know when you may need a cellphone during a group workout. Two of the best reasons are (a) when you want to call for emergency help and (b) when someone must reach you in an emergency. So carry one with you — in a pocket or clipped to your hydration belt — on each group run or walk.

Program your coaches’ cellphone numbers into your cellphone.

Assuming that you are carrying a cellphone during your group workouts, you should program your coaches’ cellphone numbers into it. This will let you notify them quickly when you are on a group run or walk and notice a new tripping or other hazard or when an emergency arises.

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