The saga of marathon medal sizes, continued

Well, well. Sometimes the size of a half-marathon medal is smaller than the size of a full-marathon medal at the same weekend event.

Take, for instance, the “his & hers” medals that I got with my wife last Sunday at the 2010 Chevron Houston Marathon and Aramco Houston Half Marathon, respectively:

2010 Houston Medals

Completing either distance is quite an accomplishment. So I tip my cap to anyone who completes a marathon or half marathon.

And I blogged last year with a somewhat tongue-in-cheek question about whether the size of a half-marathon medal ought to match the size of a full-marathon medal.

Some readers took offense.

But Chevron and Aramco — or the weekend’s organizers — apparently decided that the “full” medal should be larger than the “half” medal for last Sunday’s two events.

So there you go. Get over it. Your accomplishment, everything leading up to your accomplishment, and what you take away from it are what matters, not the size of the associated medal.

Unless you are in it for the bling …

In which case I recommend that you check out the Texas Marathon, which once again had a hot-plate of a medal this year.

How about you? Do you prefer to race for bling, for small tokens, or for self-satisfaction? Please leave a comment here. Thanks!