Treasure your ability to run or walk.

I read a press release today that reminded me to treasure my ability to walk and run. The release covered a new device that helps Parkinson’s disease patients to walk and thereby improves their quality of life tremendously.

Called a GaitAid, the device combines a pants-clip unit with special glasses and earphones that give the wearer visual and auditory feedback about his or her gait.

The manufacturer claims that improvement is often immediate and eventually plateaus after four weeks of daily practice.

One Parkinson’s patient reported that he was able to replace his cane with the GaitAid, with the GaitAid giving much better feedback than a cane ever could.

This release reminded me about the TV show “The Six Million Dollar Man“.

But it also reminded me to treasure what I have today in terms of my running and walking abilities … to stop whining, to persist beyond obstacles, and so on.

What have you encountered that made you appreciate your ability to run or walk? Please leave a comment here. Thanks!