How many miles have you walked …?

I was reading a story titled “City Park’s walking track one of Valley’s true gems” today at

The story was written by someone promoting the walking track at the city park in Monessen, Pennsylvania.

The writer, who was born in 1934, wrote, “I estimate that probably a quarter of the 26,000 miles I’ve walked, run and jogged over the past 30 years have been upon that track.”

26,000 miles in thirty years works out to 867 miles per year, or 2.375 miles per day every day of the year.

That made me wonder how many miles the average American adult walks over any span of time.

How many miles have you walked in, say, the past ten years?

Would you even know how to estimate that total to any degree of accuracy?

And tell me about your favorite place to walk. Please leave a comment here. Thanks!